dari gambaran di part sebelumnya indi ini mempunyai 3 mode yaitu 0,1,2
terus bagimana untuk membaca indikator tersebut supaya bisa dipanggil di dalam Ea .
Pada pembahasan yang dulu kita sudah pernah membahas membuat ea dengan indikator diluar mt4 (custom indikator)
kita coba:
di pembahasan sebelumnya sudah diketahui bahwa indikator ini mempunyai 3 mode dan 3 input parameter , Nah dari situ bisa kita buat custom indikatornya begini
Nah dengan dibuat custom indi IFX_Keltner ini maka akan mudah diimplementasikan kedalam EA
Rule Ea yang akan kita bikin adalah (untuk mode market trending)
1. Buy ketika harga menembus garis upper
2. sell ketika harga menembus garis lower
3. op dibuat stiap candel ada signal
apalagi ya
itu aja deh
silahkan yang mau bikin bisa dibuat kan EAnya
Nah ini salah satu Ea yang di bikin oleh master "Anie Budi Raharjo " yang udah ngirimkan melalui FB
SLnya dibuat otomatis digaris indinya:
//| IFX_Keltner_Channel.mq4 |
//| Copyright 2013, Annura |
//| |
#property copyright "Copyright 2013, Annura"
#property link ""
extern string Nama_EA = "IFX Keltner Channel";
extern int TP = 11;
extern int SL = 20;
extern double Lot = 0.01;
extern int Magic = 69;
extern int Mode_Ma = 0;
extern int Ma_Pareode = 10;
extern int Price_tip = 5;
extern int Max_order = 2;
int signalBuy,signalSell;
double pt,SLb,TPb,SLs,TPs;
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
if(Digits==3 || Digits==5) pt=10*Point; else pt=Point;
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//| expert start function |
int start()
double kfa = iCustom(Symbol(),0,"IFX_Keltner_Channel",Ma_Pareode,Mode_Ma,Price_tip,0,0);
double kfm = iCustom(Symbol(),0,"IFX_Keltner_Channel",Ma_Pareode,Mode_Ma,Price_tip,1,0);
double kfb = iCustom(Symbol(),0,"IFX_Keltner_Channel",Ma_Pareode,Mode_Ma,Price_tip,2,0);
if(Open[1]<kfa && Close[1]>kfa && Open[0]>kfa)
if(Open[1]>kfb && Close[1]<kfb && Open[0]<kfb)
if(TP==0)TPb=0;else TPb=Ask+TP*pt;
if(TP==0)TPs=0;else TPs=Bid-TP*pt;
if(signalBuy==1 && JumlahOrder(0)<Max_order)
if(signalSell==1 && JumlahOrder(1)<Max_order)
int JumlahOrder(int Tipe)
int Total = 0;
for(int i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++)
if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber()!=Magic || OrderType()!=Tipe)
The foreign exchange, and additionally called "the foreign exchange" market exists anywhere one currency is traded for another. It's the biggest monetary marketplace inside the international. Virtually if we examine the ny stock change trades vs changing hands in forex, we are able to discover forex marketplace is a lot of instances larger than both equity and treasury markets mixed.
ReplyDeleteForex or "foreign exchange" is in which the cash of one state is traded with another. The most important and popular pairs of exchange within the foreign exchange market are "euro dollar", and you may see this pairs in all forex show screens as "eur/usd". There also are a number of others pairs but positive no longer important and not well-known as "eur/usd" pairs, like:-
1-the british pound, and you may see this pairs in all foreign exchange show displays as "gbp/usd".
2- the japanese yen, and you'll see this pairs in all forex show displays as "usd/jpy".
3- the swiss franc, and you'll see this pairs in all forex show screens as "usd/chf".
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